Yusuf Hana fi , Ahmad Tau fi q , Muhammad Sae fi , M. Alifudin Ikhsan , Tsania Nur Diyana , Titis Thoriquttyas , Faris Khoirul Anam ( 2021). Heliyon : The new identity of Indonesian Islamic boarding schools in the “ newnormal ” : the education leadership response to COVID-19 A B S T R A C T The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership practices of Indonesian Islamic boarding school ( pesantren ) leaders, school principals, and teachers in responding to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure the continuation of boarding school education in the “ new normal ” period. Generated using a moderated focus group discussion with principals and teachers, the fi ndings suggest that principals' and teachers' leadership practices are acceptable in the policy, social support, and fi nancial dimensions but still lack structural and teaching aspects about conducting blended learning. Based on this study's fi ndings, pesantren leaders ( kyai