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The need for cross-cultural exploration of teacher leadership

Webber, C .  F . ( 2021 ).  Research in Educational Administration and Leadership :  The need for cross - cultural exploration of teacher leadership  ,   page 17 – 49 .  abstract This article describes the need for additional cross-cultural study of teacher leadership. A rationale for researching teacher leadership is presented based on the need to provide clarity to the definition of the concept and to understand better how to facilitate teacher leadership development. A primary research question is shared: “How is teacher leadership conceptualized and enacted and what are the implications for educational stakeholders?” A set of attributes and indicators of teacher leadership is provided based on a review of literature focusing on teacher leadership. Then four additional concepts related to teacher leadership are described—formal and informal influence, school culture, school improvement, and professional development—followed by a summary of cautionary consid

Sustainable Teacher Leadership

Webber, C .  F . ( 2021 ).  Research in Educational Administration & Leadership :  Sustainable Teacher Leadership  , page  277 – 311 This report describes how teacher leadership is represented in the official documentation of key educational stakeholders in Alberta, Canada. Six themes emerged from the researchers’ document analysis: foundational understandings; student diversity; innovative curriculum and student engagement; community engagement; 21 st   century competencies; and reflection and professional learning. Analysis of the idealized themes resulted in the identification of issues that may challenge teacher leaders. It is unlikely that teacher leaders can demonstrate competence in every theme area. Teacher leaders must necessarily prioritize some professional commitments in order to work sustainably. Several considerations were derived from the inherent tensions. The considerations were used to derive a composite profile of teacher leaders with the capacity

Transformational Leadership Survey

Cucun Sunaengsih  , Aan Komariah 1 , Dedy Achmad Kurniady , Nugraha Suharto , Badrud Tamam , J. Julia (2021).  Mimbar Sekolah Dasar : Transformational Leadership Survey , page 41-54      Abstract . Several previous research have described transformational leadership as successful leadership that led higher education to implement changes for the better. However, a more comprehensive survey on the implementation of transformational leadership in higher education has not been conducted. This research aims at observing a transformational leadership style with the model 4I, namely idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, and inspirational motivation, which is applied to higher education comprehensively. A survey method with questionnaires taken from lecturers working at higher education in Indonesia was used in this research. The findings revealed that attention given to individuals and reducing penalty towards any mistakes by subordinates must be given more

The Impact of Leadership Styles of School Administrators on Affecting Teacher Effectiveness

  Saowanee Sirisookslip   , Wallapha Ariratana a  ,Tang Keow Ngang  (2015).   Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences :  The Impact of Leadership Styles of School Administrators on Affecting Teacher Effectiveness , page 1032-1037 Abstract Currently, most of the administrators are facing problems of applying suitable leadership style in their administration, reported by the Educational Work Unit. Therefore, applying suitable leadership may assist administrators to solve the confusion due to the overlapping of work occurred in work practice, administration, and ordering or commanding among the top level of management team work unit. The Path-Goal Theory was used as the main theory to support this study. The objectives of this study were to investigate the leadership styles of school administrators that affecting teacher effectiveness. This study employed quantitative method survey design using questionnaire as an instrument. Simple random sampling technique was utilized in this study